Thursday 1 December 2016

Week 12: Summary of COM125

It is finally the end of Fall semester and also the end of my COM125 module. I am glad I learnt new things from this module. From the evolution of the web, internet security to internet of things, I am excited for what's to come in the future. I always prefer face to face communication and have emotional attachment, not really a fan of everything-internet. Although sometimes I myself am guilty of being addicted to my smartphone, I still wish that the internet will not take over our lives. As much as the internet has brought us much entertainment and networking, it is important to essentially take it slow and enjoy the little things in life like spending quality time with family and friends. The future of internet is coming at us so fast that I wish it would slow down just a little. We humans are always wanting better, faster, more efficiency but we have to know how limits and take one step at a time. This module has actually opened up my mind and have a deeper understanding about the internet. Every week, I learnt something new and useful in real life situation in the future like how to do social media marketing and what to expect for the internet in the future. Through the group presentations, I get a more in depth discussion about topics like the dark web, social media marketing etc. I think everyone did a good job, so give a pat on your back! You survived this sem!!! I also enjoyed the group discussions where we would take time and research about certain issues and then discussing them in class. However, I wished the slides had more detailed and in depth information or else it would be too difficult to study (like how I am struggling now hahaha). All the best for finals, everyone!!!

Merry Christmas in advance and Happy Holidays!!!

Ameow out. Mic drop. Peace.